Espacio Inestable
May the 13th | 12:30h to 14:00h and from 17:00h to 20:00h
May the 13th | 12:30h to 14:00h and from 17:00h to 20:00h
The value of the artistic proposal, the choreographer’s view and reflection on the concept of LOVE, is one of the distinctive features of this edition of the Choreographic Competition 10 Sentidos. For this reason, works specifically designed and created for this choreographic event are given special value. In addition, the competition looks for new and different languages of movement, personal and innovative choreographic hallmarks that promote choreographic research.
The Choreographic Competition 10 Sentidos 2022 invites companies, artists and dancers to present short performances that reflect upon this issue.
The jury, composed of Roberto Fratini, playwright and teacher at the Institut del Teatre; Marco Antonio Blázquez, cultural manager, manager and executive producer of the Festival Madrid en Danza; María José Mora, artistic director of Dansa València; Jacobo Pallarés, co-director of Espai Inestable; Patrick Bonté, artistic director of Les Brigittines (Belgium); Mira Helenius, artistic director and CEO of Skånes Dansteater (Sweden); and Franziska Grevesmühl-v. Marcard, manager and director of Norddeutsche Konzertdirektion – NDKD (Germany) will decide which of the eight vibrant finalist proposals is the winner, which will be awarded with the Jury Prize and it will be given a piece by Lladró. In addition, Espacio Inestable will award the MIGRATS 2022 prize.