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Every Body Electric

Doris Uhlich

12 de mayo / 19:00h

Palau de les Arts

You can also buy your ticket at THE BOX (from 26/04 to 04/05)

In this piece Doris Uhlich continues to work with people with physical disabilities on her concept of “Energetic Icons”, creating individual and collective “energy dance forms”. Every body has specific ways of articulating its dynamics and fleshly pleasure. Movements themselves allow the body to become charged, they become a kind of endogenous fuel. Every Body Electric is a simple, but radical invitation to explore potentials through dance, to make them visible, and to delve deep into an archaeology of energy. What other possibilities open up when machines –for example wheelchairs, prostheses, crutches– are regarded and staged as extensions to the body? Personal rhythms, dynamics, beats and bodily characteristics lead to unique dance styles. The explosive power, but also the gentle or forceful poetry of Every Body Electric ultimately rests in how the performers perceive their bodies and how they are perceived.

Doris Uhlich regards the body as the linchpin on the strength of which one gets into connection with the world. Far from being something static, it is a dynamic organism replete with slumbering layers and stories. The works often grasp dance as a means of liberation that leads the body away from doubt and retrogressive tendencies.

Concept and direction: Doris Uhlich

Dramaturgy: Elisabeth Schack

Choreography: Doris Uhlich

Dancers: Yanel Barbeito Delgado, Adil Embaby, Thomas Richter, Vera Rosner-Nógel

Music: Boris Kopeinig

Costume Design: Zarah Brandl

Lighting: Gerald Pappenberger

Stage and set design: Gerald Pappenberger

Feedback: Yoshie Maruoka & Theresa Rauter

Production: Marijeta Karlovic-Graf & Margot Wehinger

Distribution: Something Great

Co-produced by Tanzquartier Wien, Schauspiel Leipzig & insert (Theaterverein)insert (Theaterverein) is subsidized by the Cultural Department of Vienna and the Federal Chancellery of Austria.