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Primer Amor


May 9th


The choreographers of the Valencian dance company Taiat Dansa, Inma García and Meritxell Barberá, will work with students from the High School Ramón Llull to create a choreographic piece, which will be presented in video format, through a multidisciplinary process and encouraging the idea of cooperative learning. A group work that is committed to respect among the participants and to highlighting their differences. This dance work will lead the young people to break their roles just at the moment in their lives when their social profiles are being forged. The leader is no longer the most admired, the shy one takes a step forward… Dancing forces them to touch each other. They communicate, they equalise.

This process, linked to the motto of the XI Edition of the Festival 10 Sentidos, El Amor, through which a reflection will be established on respect among the participants, friendship and love during adolescence, will take place in Las Naves, where the video clip will be shot and shared on the Festival and Las Naves online media.