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The world we want

Fundación Mainel


September 16th

The Festival 10 Sentidos is calling once again the Children’s Drawing Competition 10 Sentidos in order to involve the youngest members of a festival that is a cultural reference in the city of València. Based on this year’s theme, “Dreamers”, and under the title “The World we want”, the youngest and most demanding children have been invited to express their creations around the following questions: What world do they want and yearn for? What world don’t they like? The works produced will be brought together in an exhibition at the Fundación Mainel, one of the key events in the children’s programme of this encounter with the living arts.

The Children’s Drawing Competition 10 Sentidos is organized every year thanks to the Obra Social “la Caixa. For this fifth edition it has counted with the collaboration of the Fundación Mainel and the support of the Conselleria de Educación.