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Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté

Vice Versa

Espai Inestable

May 12nd | 18:00h and 20:00h

Length: 18 minutes


Two women fused together swing back and forth, entangled in their complicit intimacy. They are every woman and are protected through their connivance towards the violence of man. Their fused gestures are contoured by the rhythm of the stanzas of an ancient song: a complaint that recounts the cruelty of jealousy and the blindness of vengeance. The story becomes lost in the mad throbbing of their bodies as their gestures render the escalating violence futile…

Name / Title of the piece: Vice Versa

Company/artist: Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté

Concept and choreography: Nicole Mossoux

Direction:  Nicole Mossoux in collaboration with Patrick Bonté

Performance and collaboration to choreography: Frauke Mariën, Shantala Pèpe

Music: Les anneaux de Marianson, interpretation Michel Faubert, orchestration Jérôme Minière

Sound Design: Thomas Turine

Light: Patrick Bonté

Light technician: David Jans

Assistant: Julie Goldsteinas

Special thanks / collaborations: Patty Eggerickx, Fédra, Foty, Leslie Mannès, Mikha Wajnrych

Production Mossoux-Bonté Company, with support of Les Brigittines – City of Brussels Contemporary Arts Center for Movement (Belgium), Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles, dance department and Wallonie-Bruxelles International.

Production and administration: Noémie Sonveau

Tour managing and communication: Manon Dumonceaux

Logistics and organization: Léa Maucourt

Technical direction: Jean-Jacques Deneumoustier


Trasportation grant: WBI


Vice Versa 2(c) Mikha Wajnrych